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Last updated: 11th of November 2024


  • “Legacy and Governance: Influence of Late-Stage Generation on Shareholder Rights in Public Family Firms” (F. Guidoccio, B. Schierstedt, E. Lutz), 7th International Family Business Research Forum, Paphos, Cyprus, October 29th-31st 2024.

  • “Legacy and Governance: Influence of Late-Stage Generation on Shareholder Rights in Public Family Firms” (F. Guidoccio, B. Schierstedt, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2024, Ingolstadt, September 25th-27th 2024.

  • “Investment Decisions in Venture Capital: Assessing the Impact of Market Signals and Family Influence on Investments by Industry-Experienced Investors” (M. Theisen), G-Forum 2024, Ingolstadt, September 25th-27th 2024.

  • “Legacy and Governance: Influence of Late-Stage Generation on Shareholder Rights in Public Family Firms” (F. Guidoccio, B. Schierstedt, E. Lutz), 22nd IECER Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 18th-20th 2024.

  • “Investment Decisions in Venture Capital: Assessing the Impact of Market Signals and Family Influence on Investments by Industry-Experienced Investors” (M. Theisen), 22nd Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research, Innsbruck, Austria, September 18th-20th 2024.

  • "Navigating Crowdfunding Success: Unlocking the Power of Novelty Language” (S. Koster, C. von Selasinsky, M. Henn, E. Lutz), 8th Entrepreneurial Finance Association (ENTFIN) Conference, Munich, Germany, June 10th-11th 2024.

  • "The Role of Novelty Language in Securing Funding and Mobilizing Backers in Reward-based Crowdfunding” (S. Koster, C. von Selasinsky, E. Lutz), 3rd International Conference for Alternative Finance Research (ICAFR), Krems an der Donau, Austria, June 4th-6th 2024.

  • "CSR performance in family firms: the pivotal role of the external auditor and the moderating impact of family influence and eponymy" (B. Schierstedt, M. Corten, M. Henn), SPGC Global Family Business Summit 2024, Vietri sul Mare (SA), Italy, May 15th-17th 2024.

  • "The impact of the external auditor in shaping CSR performance in family firms" (B. Schierstedt, M. Corten, M. Henn), 12. Konferenz deutschsprachiger Forschungszentren und -institute für Familienunternehmen (FIFU), Munich, March 11th-13th 2024.


  • "The Bright Side of Private Equity: Environmental Performance in Family Firms” (F. Guidoccio, B. Schierstedt), The Conference on CSR, the Economy and Financial Markets, Düsseldorf, November 9th-10th 2023.

  • “Maximizing Green Potential How Private Equity Drives Environmental Performance in Family Firms” (F. Guidoccio, B. Schierstedt), 21st IECER Conference, Covilhã, Portugal, October 25th-27th 2023.

  • "Uncovering the Power of Venture Capital Social Networks: The Impact on Follow-on Funding Success of Portfolio Companies" (F. Hogrebe, E. Lutz), 21st IECER Conference, Covilhã, Portugal, October 25th-27th 2023.

  • "Uncovering the Power of Venture Capital Social Networks: The Impact on Follow-on Funding Success of Portfolio Companies" (F. Hogrebe, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2023, Darmstadt, September 27th-29th 2023.

  • „The Role of Novelty Language in Mobilizing Backers and Securing Funding in Reward-based Crowdfunding” (S. Koster, C. von Selasinsky, E. Lutz), 26th annual interdisciplinary conference on entrepreneurship, innovation and SMEs (G-Forum), (Doctoral colloquium), Dresden, Semptember 27th-29th 2023.

  • “Giving Neurotic Entrepreneurs Money to Save the World? An Analysis of U.S. Equity Crowdfunding Projects” (S. Koster, A. Isaak), British Academy of Management (BAM) – 37th Annual Conference, Brighton and Hove, UK, Sebtember 5th-6th 2023.

  • “Giving Neurotic Entrepreneurs Money to Save the World? An Analysis of U.S. Equity Crowdfunding Projects” (S. Koster, A. Isaak), 7th Entrepreneurial Finance Association (ENTFIN) Conference, Antwerpen, Belgien, July 5th-7th 2023.

  • „The Moderating Influence of Private Equity Investments on the Environmental Performance of Listed Family Firms” (F. Guidoccio, B. Schierstedt), 12th conference of German-speaking research centers and institutes for family businesses (FIFU), Hamburg, June 29th-July 1st 2023.

  • “Giving Neurotic Entrepreneurs Money to Save the World? An Analysis of U.S. Equity Crowdfunding Projects” (S. Koster, A. Isaak), European Academy of Management - EURAM 2023 Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 14th-16th 2023.

  • “Giving Neurotic Entrepreneurs Money to Save the World? An Analysis of U.S. Equity Crowdfunding Projects” (S. Koster, A. Isaak), 31st European Conference on Information Systems – ECIS 2023, Kristiansand, Norwegen, June 11th-16th 2023.

  • "Family Corporate Venture Capital: Syndicate Partner Selection from the Perspective of Socio-Emotional Wealth" (M. Theisen, A. Isaak, E. Lutz), 43rd Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA, June 7th-10th 2023.

  • “Giving Neurotic Entrepreneurs Money to Save the World? An Analysis of U.S. Equity Crowdfunding Projects” (S. Koster, A. Isaak), 2nd International Conference for Alternative Finance Research (ICAFR), Danzig, Polen, June 1st-2nd 2023.

  • "Family Corporate Venture Capital: Syndicate Partner Selection from the Perspective of Socio-Emotional Wealth" (M. Theisen, A. Isaak, E. Lutz), 17th Annual Theories of Family Enterprise Conference, Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, USA, March 30th-April 1st 2023.


  • „Perceived Neuroticism and Sustainability: A Perfect Storm? An Analysis of U.S. Equity Crowdfunding Projects” (S. Koster, A. Isaak), ISPGAYA International Congress 2022, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, September 29th-30th 2022.

  • "Family Corporate Venture Capital: Syndicate Partner Selection from the Perspective of Socio-Emotional Wealth" (M. Theisen, A. Isaak, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2022, Dresden, September 20th-23rd 2022.

  • "Perceived Neuroticism and Sustainability: A Perfect Storm? An Analysis of U.S. Equity Crowdfunding Projects." (S. Koster, A. Isaak), G-​Forum 2022, Dresden (Doctoral colloquium), September 21st-23rd 2022.

  • "The family matters: ESG activi-ties in listed family firms" (F. Guidoccio, E. Lutz, B. Schierstedt), G-Forum 2022, Dresden, September 21st-23rd 2022.

  • "Acquisitions of venture-capital-backed companies: A trend toward a convergence of financial and strategic acquirers?" (N. Lehnertz), G-Forum 2022, Dresden, September 21st-23rd 2022.

  • "Family Corporate Venture Capital: Syndicate Partner Selection From the Perspective of Socio-Emotional Wealth" (M. Theisen, E. Lutz, A. Isaak), G-Forum 2022, Dresden, September 21st-23rd 2022.

  • "How well do you know your partner? VC fund characteristics influence on startups’ follow-on rounds" (F. Hogrebe, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2022, Dresden, September 21st-23rd 2022.

  • „Industry-specific learning and specialization in venture capitalists’ internationalization decisions” (A. Nörthemann), European Financial Management Association 2022 Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy, June 29th-July 2nd 2022.

  • „Industry-specific learning and specialization in venture capitalists’ internationalization decisions” (A. Nörthemann),  Financial Management & Accounting Research Conference 2022  (FMARC), Limassol, Cyprus, June 19th-21st 2022.


  • „Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? The impact of cross-​border investing and target market attractiveness on venture capitalists' relative investment share” (A. Nörthemann, C. Plagmann, E. Lutz),  Financial Management & Accounting Research Conference 2021  (FMARC), Paphos, Cyprus, September 19th-21st 2021.

  • „In for a penny, in for a dime! The effects of  venture capital mega-​deals on IPO success and post-​IPO performance” (N. Lehnertz, C. Plagmann, E. Lutz),   Financial Management & Accounting Research Conference 2021  (FMARC), Paphos, Cyprus, September 19th-21st 2021.

  • „Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? The impact of cross-​border investing and target market attractiveness on venture capitalists' relative investment share” (A. Nörthemann, C. Plagmann, E. Lutz), European Academy of Management Conference, Montréal, Kanada, June 16th-​18th 2021, virtual conference due to the coronavirus pandemic.

  • „In for a penny, in for a dime! The effects of  venture capital mega-​deals on IPO success and post-​IPO performance” (N. Lehnertz, C. Plagmann, E. Lutz),  Entrepreneurial Finance Conference 2021 (ENTFIN), Marseille, France, June 25th-26th 2021, virtual conference because of the coronavirus pandemic.


  • „The impact of Covid-​19 on the family business employer brand" (A. Isaak, B. Schierstedt), G-​Forum 2020, Karlsruhe, September 27th - October 2nd 2020.

  • „Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Internationality and the intensity of private equity support” (A. Nörthemann, C. Plagmann, E. Lutz), G-​Forum 2020, Karlsruhe, September 28th - October 2nd 2020.

  • „In for a penny, in for a dime! The effects of financial slack and high-​volume venture capital financing on IPO performance” (N. Lehnertz, C. Plagmann, E. Lutz), G-​Forum 2020, Karlsruhe, September 28th - October 2nd 2020.

  • "It's all in the (Sub-)title? Expanding Signal Evaluation in Crowdfunding Research" (C. von Selasinsky, A.J. Isaak), European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesch, Marokko, June 15th-17th 2020, virtual conference because of the coronavirus pandemic.

  • “The influence of private family firm characteristics on audit fees” (B. Schierstedt, M. Corten), The International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Santander, Spain June 24th-26th, 2020, accepted for presentation, canceled due to the coronavirus -Pandemic.

  • “The field of banks in entrepreneurial finance — Multiple investment logics of German bank-affiliated venture capitalists” (C. Granz), 11th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM), Nice, France, July 2nd-4th, 2020 (accepted for presentation; canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

  • “The influence of private family firm characteristics on audit fees” (B. Schierstedt, M. Corten), 11th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM), Nice, France, July 2nd-4th 2020, accepted for presentation, canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

  • “The influence of private family firm characteristics on audit fees” (B. Schierstedt, M. Corten), FIFU conference 2020, Witten, March 2nd - 3rd, 2020. 


  • "Corporate social responsibility and crowdfunding performance" (C. von Selasinsky, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2019, Vienna, Austria, September 26th-27th, 2019, speaker: Constantin von Selasinsky.

  • "Value-added services as a determinant of entrepreneurs’ venture capital investor selection "(C. Granz, M. Henn, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2019, Vienna, Austria, September 26th-27th, 2019, speaker: Christian Granz.

  • "How do entrepreneurs find their venture capital investor? A look beneath the surface “(C. Granz, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2019 (doctoral colloquium), Vienna, Austria, September 26th-27th, 2019, lecturer: Christian Granz.

  • "Accelerators’ Impact on Startups ’Follow-Up Funding" (T. Naulin, M. Henn, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2019, Vienna, Austria, September 26th-27th, 2019, speaker: Tamara Naulin.

  • "The Value-Adding Impact of Accelerators on Startups’ Development "(T. Naulin, A. Moritz), G-Forum 2019, Vienna, Austria, September 26th-27th, 2019, speaker: Tamara Naulin.

  • "Independence or knowledge spillovers: The demand for non-audit services among family businesses" (M.Henn, A. Müsch, B. Schierstedt), European Academy of Management (EURAM), Lisbon, Portugal, June 26th-28th, 2019, speaker: Bennet Schierstedt.

  • “Independence or knowledge spillovers: The demand for non-audit services among family businesses” (M. Henn, A. Müsch, B. Schierstedt), The International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Bergamo, Italy, 17th-21th, June, 2019, speaker: Bennet Schierstedt.

  • "Value-added services as a determinant of entrepreneurs' venture capital investor selection" (C. Granz, M. Henn, E. Lutz), 2019 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Boston, USA, June 5-8, 2019 , speaker: Christian Granz.

  • "Value-added services as a determinant of entrepreneurs' venture capital investor selection" (C. Granz, M. Henn, E. Lutz), ET&P Paper Development Workshop, Boston, USA, June 4th, 2019, speaker: Christian Granz.

  • "Accelerators 'Impact on Startups' Follow-Up Funding" (T. Naulin, M. Henn, E. Lutz), 8th Entrepreneurship in Modern Economy (ENTIME) Conference, Danzig, Poland, April 11-12, 2019, speaker: Tamara Naulin.

  • "The Value-Adding Impact of Accelerators on Startups' Development", (T. Naulin, A. Moritz), 8th Entrepreneurship in Modern Economy (ENTIME) Conference, Danzig, Poland, April 11th-12th, 2019, speaker: Tamara Naulin.

  • "When entrepreneurs select venture capitalists: the relevance of value-added services?" (C. Granz, M. Henn, E. Lutz), 4th Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference (EAP4), Nantes, France, April 3rd-5th, 2019, speaker: Christian Granz.

  • "Independence or knowledge spillovers: The demand for non-audit services among family businesses" (M. Henn, A. Müsch, B. Schierstedt), 9th conference of German-speaking research centers and institutes for family businesses (FIFU), Bielefeld, 11th- March 12th, 2019, speaker: Bennet Schierstedt.



    "When entrepreneurs pick venture capitalists: the relevance of value-added services?" (C. Granz, M. Henn, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2018 (doctoral colloquium), Stuttgart, October 10th-12th, 2018, speaker: Christian Granz.

  • “Young Companies and Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting” (C. von Selasinsky, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2018 (doctoral colloquium), Stuttgart, October 10th-12th, 2018, speaker: Constantin von Selasinsky.

  • "Accelerators 'Impact on Startups' Exit by Acquisition" (T. Naulin, M. Henn), G-Forum 2018, Stuttgart, October 10-12, 2018, speaker: Tamara Naulin.

  • “External audit in family firms: The effect of family influence on audit quality” (M. Henn, A. Müsch, B. Schierstedt), G-Forum 2018, Stuttgart, October 10-12, 2018, speaker: Bennet Schierstedt.

  • "Diversified vs. Focused Family Firms: Differences in Investment Decisions" (M. Henn, J. Hueck, M. Hülsbeck, E. Lutz), EURAM 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19-22, 2018, speaker: Dr. Marisa Henn.

  • "The impact of entrepreneurship education on children and adolescents - A systematic review" (N. Brüne, E. Lutz), EURAM 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19-22, 2018, speaker: Natalie Brüne.

  • "Social Franchising: A Transitional Solution for Organizational Growth of Social Entrepreneurial Organizations?" (A. Bergfeld, E. Lutz, B. Scheck), EURAM 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 19-22, 2018, speaker: Arne Bergfeld.

  • “Beggars or choosers? Lead venture capitalists and the impact of reputation on syndicate partner selection in international settings ”(C. Plagmann, E. Lutz), 3rd Abbé Grégoire Innovation Days, Paris, April 3rd-4th, 2018, speaker: Carolin Plagmann.

  • "Investigation of the acquisition behavior of family businesses" (B. Schierstedt, M. Henn, E. Lutz), Conference of the German-speaking research centers and institutes for family businesses (FIFU), Innsbruck, Austria, March, 1st- 2nd, 2018, speaker: Bennet Schierstedt.

  • "The desirability of entrepreneurship as a career option in secondary school students: A qualitative-empirical study" (N. Bruene, E. Lutz, M. Wehner), PhD colloquium Leuphana Conference on Entrepreneurship 2018, Lüneburg, January 18th-20th, 2018, lecturer: Natalie Brüne.


  • “Coopetition as a Success Strategy for Startups within Business Accelerators” (T. Naulin, A. Moritz, E. Lutz), ECSB Doctoral Workshop, RENT Conference 2017, Lund, Sweden, November 15th, 2017, speaker: Tamara Naulin.

  • “Coopetition as a Success Strategy for Startups within Business Accelerators” (T. Naulin, A. Moritz, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2017, Wuppertal, October 5th-6th, 2017, speaker: Tamara Naulin.

  • "Heterogeneity among Family Firms: Drivers of Diversifying Acquisition Decisions" (B. Schierstedt, M. Henn, E. Lutz), doctoral colloquium G-Forum 2017, Wuppertal, October 5th-6th, 2017, lecturer: Bennet Schierstedt.

  • "Social Franchising: A Transitional Solution for Scaling Up Social Entrepreneurial Organizations?" (A. Bergfeld, E. Lutz, B. Scheck), G-Forum 2017, Wuppertal, October 5th-6th, 2017, speaker: Arne Bergfeld.

  • "Examining the desirability of entrepreneurship as a career goal in secondary school aged children" (N. Brüne, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2017, Wuppertal, October 5th-6th, 2017, speaker: Natalie Brüne.

  • “Beggars or choosers? Lead venture capitalists and the impact of reputation on syndicate partner selection in international settings ”(C. Plagmann, E. Lutz), G-Forum 2017, Wuppertal, October 5th-6th, 2017, speaker: Carolin Plagmann.

  • “Coopetition as a Success Strategy for Startups within Business Accelerators” (T. Naulin, A. Moritz, E. Lutz) 15th Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research (IECER), Siegen, September 20th, 2017, speaker: Tamara Naulin.

  • "Better safe than sorry - the importance of trust for venture capitalists’ choice of syndicate partners "(C. Helmreich, E. Lutz) Entrepreneurial Finance Conference (ENTFIN), Ghent, Belgium, July, 7th, 2017, speaker: Carolin Helmreich.

  • “Private Equity in Family Firms: Drivers of the Willingness to Cede Control” (M. Henn, E. Lutz) EURAM, Glasgow, June 21st, 2017, speaker: Marisa Henn.

  • "Better safe than sorry - the importance of trust for venture capitalists’ choice of syndicate partners "(C. Helmreich, E. Lutz) Conference of the Academy of Entrepreneurial Finance (Europe), Stuttgart, March 16th, 2017, speaker: Carolin Helmreich.

  • “Investigation of the acquisition behavior of family businesses” (B. Schierstedt, E. Lutz) Conference of the German-speaking research centers and institutes for family businesses 2017, Berlin, March 6th, 2017, speaker: Bennet Schierstedt (poster form).

  • "Family First, Business Second? Investment Decisions of Family Firms in Mergers & Acquisitions ”(M. Henn, M. Hülsbeck, J. Hueck, E. Lutz) Conference of German-speaking research centers and institutes for family businesses 2017, Berlin, March 6th, 2017, speaker: Marisa Henn (poster form).


  • "Better safe than sorry - the importance of trust for venture capitalists’ choice of syndicate partners "(C. Helmreich, E. Lutz) G-Forum, Leipzig, October 7th, 2016, speaker: Carolin Helmreich.

  • “Private Equity in Family Firms: Drivers of the Willingness to Cede Control” (M. Henn, E. Lutz), G-Forum, Leipzig, October 6th, 2016, speaker: Marisa Henn.

  • "Good Girls and Bad Boys? Gender-specific influences of private wealth on social entrepreneurs ’start-up intentions” (A. Bergfeld, E. Lutz) G-Forum, Leipzig, October 6th, 2016, speaker: Arne Bergfeld.

  • Teaching case study “Astropep Pharmaceutical GmbH” (E. Lutz, E. Talmor, M. Hesse) as part of the MBA program, London Business School, London (Great Britain), September 1st, 2016, lecturers: Eli Talmor and Mischa Hesse.

  • “Venture Capitalist Reputation and the Effect on Capital Costs in Venture Lending Contracts” (M. Hesse, E. Lutz, E. Talmor) Conference of the Academy of Management “Making Organizations Meaningful”, Anaheim (California, USA), August 9th, 2016, speaker: Mischa Hesse.

  • “Patent Activity of Start-Ups And The Structuring Of Venture Lending Contracts” (M. Hesse, E. Lutz, E. Talmor) ENTFIN Conference 2016, Lyon (France), July 8th, 2016, speaker: Mischa Hesse.

  • "Venture Capitalist Reputation and the Effect on Capital Costs in Venture Lending Contracts" (M. Hesse, E. Lutz, E. Talmor) Global Conference on Business and Finance (GCBF), San José (Costa Rica), May 26th, 2016, speaker: Mischa Hesse.

  • "The Investment Challenge of Financial Debt: Survival Dynamics of New Technology-based Firms" (E. Lins, E. Lutz) Conference Global Conference on Business and Finance (GCBF), San José (Costa Rica), May 25th, 2016, speaker: Elmar Lins.

  • “Private Equity in Family Firms: Drivers of the Willingness to Cede Control” (M. Henn, E. Lutz) Specialist conference of the German-speaking research centers and institutes for family businesses 2016, Siegen, March 8th, 2016, speaker: Marisa Henn.


  • “How to Convince the Crowd - An Analysis of Linguistic Behavior Patterns” (E. Lins, E. Lutz, K. Fietkiewicz) Conference 3rd Crowdinvesting Symposium, Munich, October 23rd, 2015, speaker: Elmar Lins.

  • "When do subsidies facilitate access to financial debt? An examination of regional, national and supranational grants ”(H. Hottenrott, E. Lins, E. Lutz) G-Forum, Kassel, October 8th, 2015, lecturer: Elmar Lins.

  • "The Effect of Patents on Capital Costs in Venture Lending Contracts" (M. Hesse, E. Lutz, E. Talmor ”G-Forum, Kassel, October 8th, 2015, lecturer: Mischa Hesse.

  • “Scaling up social enterprises: Agency influences on franchising decisions in the social sector” (A. Bergfeld, E. Lutz) PhD colloquium as part of the G-Forum, Kassel, October 7th, 2015, lecturer: Arne Bergfeld.

  • “The impact of CEOs trust in private equity managers on levers of company control” (M. Henn, E. Lutz) PhD colloquium as part of the G-Forum, Kassel, October 7th, 2015, speaker: Marisa Henn.

  • "The Effect of Subsidies on New Ventures Access on Bank Loans" (H. Hottenrott, E. Lins, E. Lutz) ZEW / MaCCI Conference, Mannheim, July 2nd, 2015, speaker: E. Lins.

  • "The Effect of Subsidies on New Ventures’ Access to Bank Loans "(H. Hottenrott, E. Lins, E. Lutz) Conference Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Trier, June 2nd, 2015, speaker: E. Lins.

  • “The Effect of Patents on Capital Costs in Venture Lending Contracts” (M. Hesse, E. Lutz, E. Talmor) Conference Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Trier, June 2nd, 2015, speaker: M. Hesse.

  • "Trust is good, control is better? Decision criteria of family firms in selecting private equity firms ”(M. Henn, E. Lutz) PhD colloquium within the framework of the conference of German-speaking research centers and institutes for family businesses 2015, Friedrichshafen, March, 2nd, 2015, lecturer: M. Henn.


  • "The Effect of Subsidies on New Ventures’ Access to Bank Loans "(H. Hottenrott, E. Lins, E. Lutz) G-Forum, Oldenburg, November 14th, 2014, lecturer: E. Lins.

  • “The Effect of Patents on Capital Costs in Venture Lending Contracts” (M. Hesse, E. Lutz, E. Talmor) PhD colloquium as part of the G-Forum, Oldenburg, November 13th, 2014, lecturer: M. Hesse.


Responsible for the content: Prof. Dr. Eva Lutz : Contact by e-mail